Why I am choose Azure ?


To be honestly, Although I try some cloud platforms from basic to complicate, Azure has priority when I want use computing. This platform support more services, tools, utility which helpful a lot for uses. Not comparison between multiple Cloud platforms, In this series, I want to contribute why I choose Azure, what helpful services, some top of architecture and infrastructure, role of Azure Cloud with DevOps, Developers, … and what I archive when doing with Azure

A walkthrough of AzureΒ Services

Choose an Azure compute service


Organize your Azure resources effectively

What you can find out and figure out about Azure, Cloud Computing, Documentation, Services and more, Link is down-below 🀝


If you want to receive the credit from VS Subscription, you can direct use via Monthly Azure credits for Visual Studio subscribers

Awesome Azure Repository



  • Azure Verified Modules - An initiative to consolidate and set the standards for what a good Infrastructure-as-Code module looks like.


Azure CLI

az vm

Create virtual machine

Documentation: az vm create

az vm create -n MyVm -g MyResourceGroup --image Ubuntu2204

az acr

Login to your acr

Documentation: Authenticate with an Azure container registry and az acr login

az acr login --name acrname

az containerapp

Update new information for containerapp

Documentation: az containerapp update

# Use two env first is your selection, second is get from secrets
az containerapp update --name containerappName \
--resource-group rg --image img_locate \
--set-env-vars "ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=$(environmentApplication)" \

Exec to container app

Documentation: az containerapp exec


Execution when you have only one container and one revision

az containerapp exec -n my-containerapp -g MyResourceGroup --command bash


Execution when you have specified one container and one revision in one of those

az containerapp exec -n my-containerapp -g MyResourceGroup --replica MyReplica --revision MyRevision

Azure Virtual Machine

Add a new disk for your linux virtual machine

You can check about that via Azure Article - Use the portal to attach a data disk to a Linux VM or Azure Article - Add a disk to a Linux VM

  1. Add a new disk with portal or azcli

  2. Login to your machine with ssh, try to find your disk with not formatted yet via lsblk

    lsblk -o NAME,HCTL,SIZE,MOUNTPOINT | grep -i "sd"


    sdc disk actually not mount, that target disk you need to format and attach to your machine

  3. Partition the disk when you attach a new one, you can follow instruction about Create a Partition in Linux - A Step-by-Step Guide, Prepare a new empty disk, https://phoenixnap.com/kb/linux-format-disk to understand way to handle that

    sudo parted /dev/sdc --script mklabel gpt mkpart xfspart xfs 0% 100%
    sudo mkfs.xfs /dev/sdc1
    sudo partprobe /dev/sdc1
  4. Mount your partition disk into the directories of machine via mount

    sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /root

  5. Check your disk is add to /etc/fstab, you can use blkid to handle that

    sudo blkid


In my situation, when mount to / instead of /root, It makes some change and gave you new definition for your current route, mean /dev/sdc1 will replace default disk and can be cause the problem, I think πŸ˜„. Just umount and repeat mount again

After that you can be make some mistake but if you want grant permission, you can continue for your progress in down below

# Change ownership of your drive
sudo chown <your-username> /dev/sda3
# Change mount write permission
# NOTE: Umount before to do
sudo umount /dev/sda3
sudo mount -o /dev/sda3 /my-drive-locate
# Change permission of your file inside to user
sudo chown -R <user>:<group> /my-drive-locate

And now you can use it like usual disk

Azure Kubernetes Service

Security patch for OS (AKS)

For purpose prevent vulnerable, attack for AKS, Security Patch is suggested by Azure. Therefore, All environment is applying this one via command

  1. Check the nodeOsUpgradeChannel by command az aks show --resource-group <rg-name> --name <aks-name> --query autoUpgradeProfile

    It contains two optional: nodeOsUpgradeChannel (Have purpose to update the security and bugfixes for Node Container Image) and upgradeChannel (Have purpose to update the aks cluster - that not recommendation)

  2. If null in first option, go through enable feature flag and add the configuration for this stuff. More detail in this link https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/aks/auto-upgrade-node-image#register-the-nodeosupgradechannelpreview-feature-flag:~:text=Register%20the%20NodeOsUpgradeChannelPreviewAfter run the command az feature register --namespace "Microsoft.ContainerService" --name "NodeOsUpgradeChannelPreview"

    The feature flag is registering. And after that run the command for confirm the feature az provider register --namespace Microsoft.ContainerService

  3. After that use this command to create security patch it will create VHD but the cost is footling az aks update --resource-group <rg-name> --name <aks-name> --node-os-upgrade-channel SecurityPatch . So for checking go step 1 to print the result of applies.

  4. All thing is done in this lastly, because the update can make the maintance system so it will do on the weekend every 2 week on 11pm saturday. The command for doing that kind is az aks maintenanceconfiguration add -g <rg-name> --cluster-name <aks-name> --name aksManagedNodeOSUpgradeSchedule --interval-weeks 2 --day-of-week Saturday --start-time 16:00 --duration 6 --schedule-type Weekly. For more detail go this link https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/aks/planned-maintenance That all step to setup mechanism for OS security update. The affect can show on activity log on K8s - Check it for more detail progress update.