Why was it gonna released ?

NTMA - Project Infrastructure


Hi @all, About releasing documentation for final university project, I want to hold this on hand in little bit time but I think It could helped another, therefore, When I contribute and hope It can help you and make solution on near future !!! LOL. Give it a new reason for why it existed


Whole project is creature by @me and @markpage2k1. This is opensource, experimental and not have limited, you can clone and continue progress to make it more effective, helpful.

Purpose and components of Project


  • Purpose of project is about make the idealy about theΒ HA (High Available)Β system combineΒ DevOpsΒ withΒ automation managementΒ andΒ AIΒ forΒ intelligence action.
  • Follow this way, you can beΒ detected anomaly in network trafficΒ by monitoring and analysis throughΒ logΒ &Β metricsΒ for deciding to make decisionΒ about automatic scaling by horizontalΒ for demand anything work withΒ low latency at least
  • Combine AI for anomaly detection canΒ make the system to becoming flexibleΒ with data and can beΒ dynamically scale with flex metricΒ not like using basic metrics or log.
  • Featured can be offer forΒ detection Dos/DDos, High Traffic Usage Detection, OWASP Vulnerable Attack, …
  • Malware working in system. (Develop in the future !!!)


  • Infrastructure: Use Docker-Swarm, Orchestration platform like Kubernetes but manually and basic. With Docker-Swarm, You can learn some technical like nginx, kafka pub-coms, Grafana, Prometheus, Swarm Visualizer. Digest it on this link
  • Script: Use Python & Bash to handling multiple task about manage Swarm Cluster, do Service Discovery SD, create a web-hook for interacting cluster and auto-scaling or maybe you can find load-testing with customize bot using apache2 - ab. Digest it on this link
  • ML-AI: Use the models LSTM Kmeans for boost the speed and performance to detecting the web-app vulnerables , high traffic for scaling. Digest it on this link
