PostgreSQL in Docker Abstract Ansible Playbooks for self-hosted PostgreSQL with Docker postgresql-docker.yaml--- - name: Setup postgres for remote machines via Docker hosts: "{{ name_machine }}" tags: install_psql vars: postgres_version: "13" vars_files: "./inventories/{{ env }}/host_vars/postgresql.yml" tasks: - name: Install docker and packages dependencies ansible.builtin.include_tasks: file: "./general_tasks.yaml" apply: tags: - update_and_install - name: Create a .credentials folder for remote machines ansible.builtin.command: cmd: mkdir -p ~/.credentials changed_when: false - name: Mount the secrets into the VM ansible.builtin.copy: src: "~/.credentials/{{ secret_password }}" dest: "~/.credentials/{{ secret_password }}" mode: "0400" owner: "{{ owner }}" group: "{{ owner }}" - name: Create the folder for volumes postgres ansible.builtin.command: cmd: mkdir -p /etc/postgresql/{{ postgres_version }}/data changed_when: false - name: Docker run to setup postgres |- docker run -d --name postgres \ -e POSTGRES_DB="{{ database_name }}" -e POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD="{{ auth_method }}" \ -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD="$(cat ~/.credentials/{{ secret_password }})" -v /etc/postgresql/{{ postgres_version }}/data:/var/lib/postgresql/data \ --restart unless-stopped -p 5432:5432 {{ postgres_container_version }} docker ps register: shell_output changed_when: false - name: View the log of setup postgres ansible.builtin.debug: msg: "{{ shell_output.stdout_lines }}" - name: Remove postgres container hosts: "{{ host_name }}" tags: remove_psql vars: postgres_version: "13" vars_files: "./inventories/{{ env }}/host_vars/postgresql.yml" tasks: - name: Turn off the docker container | docker rm -f postgres docker volumes rm -f $(docker volumes ls) sleep 3 docker ps register: shell_output changed_when: false - name: View shell output ansible.builtin.debug: msg: "{{ shell_output.stdout_lines }}" - name: Delete the folder mount into container ansible.builtin.command: cmd: rm -rf /etc/postgresql changed_when: false PostgreSQL in VM Abstract Ansible Playbooks for self-hosted PostgreSQL on VM postgresql-selfhost.yaml--- - name: Install postgresql-server hosts: "{{ host_name }}" become: true tags: install_psql vars: postgresql_version: "14" postgresql_bin_path: "/usr/lib/postgresql/{{ postgresql_version }}/bin" postgresql_data_dir: "/var/lib/postgresql/{{ postgresql_version }}/main" tasks: - name: Install packages ansible.builtin.apt: name: - postgresql - postgresql-contrib - libpq-dev - python3-psycopg2 state: present - name: Check if PostgreSQL is initialized ansible.builtin.stat: path: "{{ postgresql_data_dir }}/pg_hba.conf" register: postgres_data - name: Empty data dir ansible.builtin.file: path: "{{ postgresql_data_dir }}" state: absent when: not postgres_data.stat.exists - name: Initialize PostgreSQL ansible.builtin.command: "{{ postgresql_bin_path }}/initdb -D {{ postgresql_data_dir }}" become: true become_user: postgres when: not postgres_data.stat.exists changed_when: false - name: Start and enable service ansible.builtin.service: name: postgresql state: started enabled: true - name: Remove postgresql-server hosts: "{{ host_name }}" become: true tags: remove_psql tasks: - name: Remove Package from postgresql-server ansible.builtin.apt: name: - postgresql - postgresql-contrib state: absent - name: Remove the dependencies with postgresql-server ansible.builtin.apt: autoremove: true - name: Config for PostgreSQL hosts: "{{ host_name }}" become: true tags: config_psql tasks: - name: Sync pg_hba.conf file to remote ansible.builtin.template: src: "./templates/pg_hba.conf.j2" dest: "/etc/postgresql/14/main/pg_hba.conf" owner: postgres group: postgres mode: "0600" - name: Sync postgresql.conf file to remote ansible.builtin.template: src: "./templates/postgresql.conf.j2" dest: "/etc/postgresql/14/main/postgresql.conf" owner: postgres group: postgres mode: "0600" - name: Restarted service postgres ansible.builtin.service: name: postgresql state: restarted