Backup database


PostgreSQL offer for us to using multiple way backup database inside, manipulate the output backup, moreover

Documentation: PostgreSQL official - Chapter 26. Backup and Restore

Use pg_dump for backup the database

  1. Basic usage for dumping data with command
pg_dump dbname > dumpfile

But also, you want to specify the location, user or what database for dumping. Add flag or environment variable like

  • PGHOST = -h : Host connection parameter
  • PGPORT = -p: Port connection parameter
  • PGDATABSE = -d: Database that use for connection
  • PGUSER = -U : User that use for connection
  • PGPASSWORD : Password parameter provide for connection
  • PGPASSFILE: passfile that provide password for connection
  • -W, --password : force password prompt (should happen automatically)
  1. Manipulation output with gzip or compression

Use gzip for compressing

pg_dump dbname | gzip > filename.gz

Use -F for decide output type

pg_dump -F <type> dbname > filename
custom     c  -- custom-format archive                                      directory  d  -- directory-format archive                                   plain      p  -- plain-text SQL script                                     tar        t  -- tar-format archive  

Use pg_dump with parallel

pg_dump -j num -F d -f out.dir dbname

Archive File System for backup


When you decide to choose this method, make sure you know where location of data storage, how to connect and backup that on server:server or geography

You tar for compress your file_system, It will scale down your size to minimal

tar -cf backup.tar /usr/local/pgsql/data


There are two restrictions, however, which make this method impractical, or at least inferior to theΒ pg_dumpΒ method:

  1. The database serverΒ mustΒ be shut down in order to get a usable backup. Half-way measures such as disallowing all connections willΒ notΒ work (in part becauseΒ tarΒ and similar tools do not take an atomic snapshot of the state of the file system, but also because of internal buffering within the server). Information about stopping the server can be found inΒ SectionΒ 19.5. Needless to say, you also need to shut down the server before restoring the data.
  2. If you have dug into the details of the file system layout of the database, you might be tempted to try to back up or restore only certain individual tables or databases from their respective files or directories. This willΒ notΒ work because the information contained in these files is not usable without the commit log files,Β pg_xact/*, which contain the commit status of all transactions. A table file is only usable with this information. Of course it is also impossible to restore only a table and the associatedΒ pg_xactΒ data because that would render all other tables in the database cluster useless. So file system backups only work for complete backup and restoration of an entire database cluster.

Related documentation:

Restore database


Mapping backup and restore methods will have appropriate and corresponding methods

Basic usage

On this situation, your backup is raw SQL file. You just use pgsql for restoring, but before that removing and create a new database again

pgsql -c "DROP DATABASE <name>;"
pgsql -c "CREATE DATABSE <name>;"
pgsql -d <name> < /var/backup/file
# OR you can use pipe for migrate from host1 -> host2
pg_dump -h host1 dbname | psql -h host2 dbname

Manipulate compress situation

  1. Use gzip

You can use gzip with -d or --decompress to extract the backup, or you can use gunzip with compatible functionality

gzip -d filename.gz | psql dbname
# or
gunzip -c filename.gz | psql dbname
# or
cat filename.gz | gunzip | psql dbname
  1. Use -F flag to compress

On this situation, you use customize dump, It will not exist on raw SQL, you must be used pg_restore for instead

pg_restore -d dbname filename
  1. For dump with multiple thread, you can do same thing with restore with -j flag
pg_restore -j num -d dbname filename



Through the post, you will learn some about methodology which use to backup, restore PostgreSQL and how to manipulate compression when huge database come in. Stay safe and feel free to expand more !!! πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„