
Hi @all, I have excited to bring kubewekend back to this weekend, more stuff need to tackle but not for this weekend. In this weekend, we will learn and figure more about storage inside kubernetes cluster, how you can provide one of these, ceph - opensource with really cool stuff and background for us digest. Not long for wait, back to kubewekend

Storage inside Kubewekend


Start with networking inside Kubernetes, as you remember about cilium, this one belong the component inside cluster, and community call that CNI (Container Network Interface). And with Storage inside Kubernetes, you have same concept and that require you install kind stuff as driver calling CSI (Container Storage Interface).

You can go and check the article below to understand more about reason why kubernetes give this concept for our community


TheΒ Container Storage InterfaceΒ (CSI) is a standard for exposing arbitrary block and file storage systems to containerized workloads on Container Orchestration Systems (COs) like Kubernetes. Using CSI third-party storage providers can write and deploy plugins exposing new storage systems in Kubernetes without ever having to touch the core Kubernetes code.


Inside the summary, you can see the real problem inside kubernetes that before CSI release. Technically, there is existence mechanism for plugin or volume solution inside kubernetes but meet the challenge because this one methodology is put inside kubernetes core - It means when upgrade, bug or issue, community must wait to control problems when next release of kubernetes come up

And that does why integrate 3rd party inside kubernetes core, It is really challenge, if you know about cloud services, you will have multiple solutions and techniques for storage and it doesn’t really simple for you put a lot of things inside kubernetes that will make cluster explosion. Therefore, really surprise about how they create alternative mechanism to reduce the problem. And Now we are having CSI

About CSI Concept

Really inspiration, this one is tough thing and contain a lots of stuff you will never care about, but I want to make some sorts of difficult things, such as overview about CSI and you will surprise about this one

You can explore with me through community and github repository

As you can see, CSI is built-in gRPC of Google, actually kubernetes is open-source program of Google when start that why gRPC is integrating in this stuff, just guess from mine πŸ˜„

If I spread out of architecture of CSI, this will really stressful for us πŸ˜…. And as my knowledge in this moment, I will not understand as much about them to transfer that one for you, honestly. But following the Specification, this concept will provide protobuf - one of things belong of gRPC protocol, you can find more information about protocol inside my Compile gRPC for 1st time blog, CSI use gRPC protocol and protobuf to make conversation between CO (Container Orchestraion - Kubernetes is one of them) with Plugin (Controller - Node)

And It make sense for connection and responsibility to make CSI work as stable. We are a end use of them, so if you concern about how we can developer own CSI stuff, I think that can be long story LOL, but we will learn about that one.

Following the article about CSI, you actually can create own CSI, and you need to ensure about create function or interface, if I don’t wrong to provide the method which can help kubernetes or what ever orchestration can interact with your storage. Read information below


TheΒ kubernetes-csiΒ site details how to develop, deploy, and test a CSI driver on Kubernetes. In general, CSI Drivers should be deployed on Kubernetes along with the following sidecar (helper) containers

  • external-attacher
    • Watches KubernetesΒ VolumeAttachmentΒ objects and triggersΒ ControllerPublishΒ andΒ ControllerUnpublishΒ operations against a CSI endpoint.
  • external-provisioner
    • Watches KubernetesΒ PersistentVolumeClaimΒ objects and triggersΒ CreateVolumeΒ andΒ DeleteVolumeΒ operations against a CSI endpoint.
  • node-driver-registrar
  • cluster-driver-registrarΒ (Alpha)
    • Registers a CSI Driver with the Kubernetes cluster by creating aΒ CSIDriverΒ object which enables the driver to customize how Kubernetes interacts with it.
  • external-snapshotterΒ (Alpha)
    • Watches KubernetesΒ VolumeSnapshotΒ CRD objects and triggersΒ CreateSnapshotΒ andΒ DeleteSnapshotΒ operations against a CSI endpoint.
  • livenessprobe

Storage vendors can build Kubernetes deployments for their plugins using these components, while leaving their CSI driver completely unaware of Kubernetes.


I think that kind stuff will become more difficult, but when you want you can do for yourself, but it not conclude in this series and session. We will stop about CSI in here and back later when we actually learn more stuff about theses one

Now we head to mechanism of CSI inside kubewekend Cluster

Development and Deployment CSI


Kubernetes users interested in how to deploy or manage an existing CSI driver on Kubernetes should look at the documentation provided by the author of the CSI driver.

In currently situation, the minimize requirements are around how kubernetes components find and communicate with a CSI Driver

Following the documentation, they give us perspective to see how communicate from



Because these requirements are minimally prescriptive, CSI driver developers are free to implement and deploy their drivers as they see fit.

And you can do that with some recommended mechanism, like\

How we can use CSI inside kubewekend


Actually, this question is the main meaning when you hit button to my blog, because the mechanism isn’t really simple and ease to hand on, this is best of part when you want to contribute your own solution inside kuberentes

In my opinion, I just figure out what exist solution can help us inject or implement CSI from Cloud services, from storage object and with techniques really provide us.

You can find one of them inside list of List of Kubernetes CSI Driver, and you need ensure install exactly what requirement from driver providers to permit your Kubernetes Cluster can interact with storage through this driver

Assuming a CSI storage plugin is already deployed on a Kubernetes cluster, users can use CSI volumes through the familiar Kubernetes storage API objects:Β PersistentVolumeClaims,Β PersistentVolumes, andΒ StorageClasses. DocumentedΒ here.


Source: OVH Cloud


Following concept, you can image the connection between of these ones via image. Start from Pod (unit of kubernetes) use PVC (Persistent volume claim) to connect and claim data from PV (Persistent volume) which represent to connect with storage (file, object or moreover). And kubernetes release SC (StorageClass) to help us dynamically create PV when you don’t want to implement all process and that why kubernetes attach and mount volume to the pod

You can explore more detail about with storage in Kubernetes and method you can hand on with them

Dynamic Provisioning


Enable automatic creation/deletion of volumes for CSI Storage plugins that support dynamic provisioning by creating aΒ StorageClassΒ pointing to the CSI plugin.

kind: StorageClass
apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
  name: fast-storage
provisioner: csi-driver.example.com
  type: pd-ssd
  csi.storage.k8s.io/provisioner-secret-name: mysecret
  csi.storage.k8s.io/provisioner-secret-namespace: mynamespace


When you work with storage like Azure Blob or Azure file, you can meet the problem about stuck when provide or talk with your cloud services, that why you need to provide parameter keys (csiProvisionerSecretName,Β csiProvisionerSecretNamespace, etc.) to help you connect storageclass to your cloud providers

Dynamic provisioning is triggered by the creation of aΒ PersistentVolumeClaimΒ object. The followingΒ PersistentVolumeClaim, for example, triggers dynamic provisioning using theΒ StorageClassΒ above.

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: my-request-for-storage
  - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 5Gi
  storageClassName: fast-storage

And it will automatically create new volume and map that with PV and now you just need to bind the PV to PVC, and it will exchange to ready state. You can marked as default tags for one of them, that will help you create default volume type when call PVC

Pre-Provisioned Volumes


You can always expose a pre-existing volume in Kubernetes by manually creating a PersistentVolume object to represent the existing volume

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
  name: my-manually-created-pv
    storage: 5Gi
    - ReadWriteOnce
  persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain
    driver: csi-driver.example.com
    volumeHandle: existingVolumeName
    readOnly: false
    fsType: ext4
      foo: bar
      name: mysecret1
      namespace: mynamespace
      name: mysecret2
      namespace: mynamespace
      name: mysecret3
      namespace: mynamespace

We will deeply encounter with this one on next part, I just mention about method to help you figure out how we can provision and implement volume in Kubernetes

Attaching and Mounting

You can use volume inside your pod via call PVC value inside yaml definition. This one will become help you attach and mount your PV to path inside pod

kind: Pod
apiVersion: v1
  name: my-pod
    - name: my-frontend
      image: nginx
      - mountPath: "/var/www/html"
        name: my-csi-volume
    - name: my-csi-volume
        claimName: my-request-for-storage


And when your pod call PVC, Kubernetes will trigger the appropriate operations against the external CSI plugin (ControllerPublishVolume,Β NodeStageVolume,Β NodePublishVolume, etc.) to ensure the specified volume is attached, mounted, and ready to use by the containers in the pod.



Really tough thing, I think so when first meet the concept, anyone work around Kubernetes will stuck in few day and don’t figure out what problem. But if you understand and image what next step in provisioning and implement volumes in Kubernetes, this experience will become cool stuff and that can help you hand-on with lots of Kubernetes concept which one provide us

Check it out when you want to learn more about PVC, PV and Storage Class, I think those ones can help you

Practice with Volume in kubewekend


Target of practice in this session about we supply to kubewekend cluster one of biggest platform when you think about object storage and huge techniques stay behind, Ceph. We will check it out and see how we need to do for provide this one for cluster

About the Ceph ?



Ceph deliversΒ object, block, and file storage in one unified system. Ceph is highly reliable, easy to manage, and free. The power of Ceph can transform your company’s IT infrastructure and your ability to manage vast amounts of data

You can explore about Ceph with me through Intro to Ceph article, as you can see, Ceph provide us three type of storage and you can manage all of them with only Ceph

Follow these link to figure out what you want about Ceph, and figure out method Ceph can beat it for you

We will deeply discover about Ceph in particular blog, but in this session I just want to help you to use Ceph or whatever CSI to example for imaginary how can you set up one of them for your Kubernetes Cluster

Methodology install Ceph in Kubewekend

You can check out on the List of Kubernetes CSI Driver and with Ceph you will have two type driver to install inside your cluster


Upset to tell you about, cephfs will remove out of cluster when kubernetes reach to version 1.31 and this one is really deprecate on version 1.28. Read more at cephfs. Buttttt, It just recommend you change from volume plugin to CSI Driver, and that is what exactly we want to do in this session πŸ˜„.

And now, the first thing you need to do is installing ceph-cli which one work as daemon in your host and help you provide CSI Driver for your cluster (Same as cilium)


When you create ceph inside cluster, It not simple install only one daemonset things inside but that install bunch of things include things for cluster, including

  • Monitors: AΒ Ceph MonitorΒ (ceph-mon) maintains maps of the cluster state, including theΒ monitor map, manager map, the OSD map, the MDS map, and the CRUSH map.
  • Managers: AΒ Ceph ManagerΒ daemon (ceph-mgr) is responsible for keeping track of runtime metrics and the current state of the Ceph cluster, including storage utilization, current performance metrics, and system load.
  • Ceph OSDs: An Object Storage Daemon (Ceph OSD,Β ceph-osd) stores data, handles data replication, recovery, rebalancing, and provides some monitoring information to Ceph Monitors and Managers by checking other Ceph OSD Daemons for a heartbeat.
  • MDSs: AΒ Ceph Metadata ServerΒ (MDS,Β ceph-mds) stores metadata for theΒ Ceph File System.


Ceph stores data as objects within logical storage pools. Using the CRUSH algorithm, Ceph calculates which placement group (PG) should contain the object, and which OSD should store the placement group. The CRUSH algorithm enables the Ceph Storage Cluster to scale, rebalance, and recover dynamically.

And one question, how we can install ceph for our cluster, that will really interesting question. We have multiple ways for handle

Technically, from ceph-installing documentation, using rook is recommending way to run Ceph in Kubernetes or to connect an existing Ceph storage cluster to Kubernetes. And I really like that you will except more problems when you miss steps


With Rook, an open sourceΒ cloud-native storage orchestrator, providing the platform, framework, and support for Ceph storage to natively integrate with cloud-native environments.


Rook automates deployment and management of Ceph to provide self-managing, self-scaling, and self-healing storage services. The Rook operator does this by building on Kubernetes resources to deploy, configure, provision, scale, upgrade, and monitor Ceph.

Following Rook, this platform will provide us bunch of CRD (Custom resource definition) in Kubernetes (Relate you on other session) to help us create interface or API for ease to implement and interact with Ceph with Rook. But just excited to tell you about that, you can learn more about rook and ceph through


With Quickstart, I will follow this one to hand-on with ceph and rook

First of all, they require me check the configuration about kubernetes, we will hand-on to that enough

Kubernetes version βœ…


Kubernetes versions v1.26 through v1.31 are supported.

You can check version of kubernetes with kubectl get node

k get nodes

Currently, kubewekend of us work on v1.28.9 and this one enough for doing stuff with rook and ceph

CPU Architecture βœ…


Architectures supported are amd64 / x86_64 and arm64.

You can validate that with uname command in linux to check your host is adapt condition

uname -a

Ceph Prerequisites βœ…

To configure the Ceph storage cluster, at least one of these local storage types is required:

  • Raw devices (no partitions or formatted filesystems)
  • Raw partitions (no formatted filesystem)
  • LVM Logical Volumes (no formatted filesystem)
  • Persistent Volumes available from a storage class inΒ blockΒ mode

Currently, if you have look about raw devices that will not exist any for your ceph and that will make this deployment become false

lsblk -f

Not exist any raw devices, poor for me 😒. But I will do some stuff to provide it, therefore, you need head to Vagrantfile to implement additionally information for your host

Depend on Vagrant - Basic Usage Documentation, you can hand-on some stuff with vagrant by add some configuration

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
  # # Handle multiple machine in one block of Vagrantfile
  # # https://developer.hashicorp.com/vagrant/docs/multi-machine
  config.vm.define "k8s-master-machine", primary: true do |config|
	# Add one more disk 10GB for master node
    config.vm.disk :disk, size: "10GB", name: "extra_storage"

And run reload command with Vagrant

vagrant reload k8s-master-machine

After ssh again to machine run lsblk -f and you will see raw device is addition to

Check again with lsblk but for ensure your volume capacity right expectation

lsblk -o NAME,HCTL,SIZE,MOUNTPOINT | grep -i "sd"

And now your are ready to continue

Kernel βœ…

I think with upgrade kernel on last session, our cluster will be alright, for ensure not problem you can run some specific command following documentation to check about rbd

sudo modprobe rbd

And not error is return, you should be okay 😎

One more thing, CephFS require minimum kernel version is 4.17 but we over that for newest version can be in Ubuntu 20.04 is 5.15.0-117-generic

Now you can reach to implement install Ceph, let’s see any problem occur when install that one πŸ˜…

Install Ceph with Rook

Following quickstart, A simple Rook cluster is created for Kubernetes with the followingΒ kubectlΒ commands andΒ example manifests.

git clone --single-branch --branch v1.15.0 https://github.com/rook/rook.git
cd rook/deploy/examples
kubectl create -f crds.yaml -f common.yaml -f operator.yaml
kubectl create -f cluster.yaml


Concern and following step by step

Remember you need to make sure have at least 2 or 3 node for doing configuration with ceph (prevention some thing not understand), so you need to modify for apply the next session practice to add more node inside your cluster. In my situation, you just need modify kind-config.yaml to get that work

kind: Cluster
apiVersion: kind.x-k8s.io/v1alpha4
name: kubewekend
  apiServerAddress: ""
  apiServerPort: 6996
  disableDefaultCNI: true
  kubeProxyMode: "iptables"
- role: control-plane
  image: "kindest/node:v1.28.9"
- role: worker
  image: "kindest/node:v1.28.9"
- role: worker
  image: "kindest/node:v1.28.9"

And run create again with command

kind create cluster --config kind-config.yaml --name kubewekend

Re run command with rook to install again ceph, you will need some tool from ceph repository to handle ceph cluster

# Install cephadm
sudo apt search cephadm
sudo apt install cephadm -y
# Install ceph-commons
sudo cephadm install ceph-common

But hold up, it actually problem or some thing different between cluster.yaml and cluster-test.yaml. Therefore, you just need to use test for alternative because something you need deeper inside to use cluster version, that why is run ceph status command and it return error. Read more in version Medium - Implementing ROOK Ceph Storage solution on Virtual kubernetes clusters You can simply use kind-config.yaml with only control plane

kind: Cluster
apiVersion: kind.x-k8s.io/v1alpha4
name: kubewekend
  apiServerAddress: ""
  apiServerPort: 6996
  disableDefaultCNI: true
  kubeProxyMode: "iptables"
- role: control-plane
  image: "kindest/node:v1.28.9"


Actually, cluster-test.yaml is smaller version and you can use that for testing on small cluster, the error is not proven anything because you run ceph inside cluster and ceph command is not talk with cluster, and give you status

I think about situation, we need to modify the ceph command for understand that use for what cluster before we can use that command for check status inside kubewekend cluster. So again, apply with cluster-test.yaml instead of cluster.yaml

cd rook/deploy/examples
# Clean old version
kubectl delete -f cluster.yaml
# Install new one
kubectl create -f cluster-test.yaml

And wait at least 5 minute, can be long or short but afterward you will receive that value inside rook-ceph namespace

kubectl get pods -n rook-ceph

And done, now you will have interface inside kubernetes for ceph cluster, you can retrieve that one with

# Get the services of cluster
kubectl get svc -n rook-ceph

Now we create storageclass for ceph to being in-use with ceph cluster for both rbd and fs

# Create storage class for block storage(rbd) # ISSUE REALLY COME
kubectl apply -f ./rook/deploy/examples/csi/rbd/storageclass.yaml
# Create storage class for filesystem storage
kubectl apply -f ./rook/deploy/examples/csi/cephfs/storageclass.yaml
kubectl get sc -n rook-ceph

In the lastly, we will change default configuration of storage class for ceph-block can handle that

# promote for rook-ceph-block to default
kubectl patch storageclass rook-ceph-block -p '{"metadata": {"annotations":{"storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class":"true"}}}'
# downgrade for standard storageclass (Kubewekend supply)
kubectl patch storageclass standard -p '{"metadata": {"annotations":{"storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class":"false"}}}'

You will need to install ceph tools to help you monitor ceph cluster status

kubectl create -f ./rook/deploy/examples/toolbox.yaml

All available tools in the toolbox are ready for your troubleshooting needs.


  • ceph status
  • ceph osd status
  • ceph df
  • rados df

Actually insane, when you exec into the pod container with toolbox inside, you will meet some kind stuff and that will make causing for mount on next part

k exec --tty --stdin pod/rook-ceph-tools-xxxxxx-xxxx -- /bin/bash

And use ceph command for check status

# Check status of cluster
ceph status
# Check detail health of cluster
ceph health detail

If you apply storageclass like above, It will create replicapool with make your ceph cluster become unhealthy with refer empty pool with push your cluster can become dataloss. It will really struggle, but I figure out about that so I will try modify

First of all, we reformat disk to raw because your disk is using by previous ceph cluster

# use fdisk to exchange
sudo fdisk /dev/sdc
# work with fdisk
Welcome to fdisk (util-linux 2.34).
Changes will remain in memory only, until you decide to write them.
Be careful before using the write command.
# Use for create parition (NOT NEED)
Command (m for help): n
Partition number (1-128, default 1): <enter>
First sector (34-20971486, default 2048): <enter>
Last sector, +/-sectors or +/-size{K,M,G,T,P} (2048-20971486, default 20971486): <enter>
Created a new partition 1 of type 'Linux filesystem' and of size 10 GiB.
# Check disk
Command (m for help): p
Disk /dev/sdc: 10 GiB, 10737418240 bytes, 20971520 sectors
Disk model: HARDDISK        
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disklabel type: gpt
Disk identifier: 98815868-002F-4928-A620-37375EF0CDD4
# Save state
Command (m for help): w
The partition table has been altered.
Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table.
Syncing disks.

Now reboot your machine

sudo shutdown -r now

After that, try to connect to machine again but remember you need create again cluster for except difficult to control

# delete old cluster (Should be delete first, but now it can)
kind delete cluster --name kubewekend
# create new cluster
kind create cluster --config /path/config --name kubewekend

And now try to create again

cd rook/deploy/examples
kubectl create -f crds.yaml -f common.yaml -f operator.yaml
kubectl create -f cluster-test.yaml

Wait at least 5min with check status of ceph cluster is work or not

kubectl get cephcluster -w

And if problem continue expose HEALTH_WARN, you can exec inside tool command

    id:     4e47ff25-f3a2-401c-974f-d783288978ef
    health: HEALTH_WARN
            Reduced data availability: 1 pg inactive
            OSD count 0 < osd_pool_default_size 1
    mon: 1 daemons, quorum a (age 2m)
    mgr: a(active, since 77s)
    osd: 0 osds: 0 up, 0 in
    pools:   1 pools, 1 pgs
    objects: 0 objects, 0 B
    usage:   0 B used, 0 B / 0 B avail
    pgs:     100.000% pgs unknown
             1 unknown

It mean you cluster is not work with raw disk (not exist OSD), therefore you must back to configuration of Vagrantfile, you need to command the extra_disk for UNATTACHED with disk, and uncommand to reload again

vagrant reload k8s-master-machine

And now rook-ceph-osd-0-xxxxx-xxx will provision for your, that really tough but efficiency

Validate again health status of ceph cluster with toolkit


Great, now you need to modify or delete inside RBD Storage class for except create replicapool with 3

apiVersion: ceph.rook.io/v1
kind: CephBlockPool
  name: replicapool
  namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:cluster
  failureDomain: host
    size: 2
#    # Disallow setting pool with replica 1, this could lead to data loss without recovery.
#    # Make sure you're *ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN* that is what you want
    requireSafeReplicaSize: true
#    # gives a hint (%) to Ceph in terms of expected consumption of the total cluster capacity of a given pool
#    # for more info: https://docs.ceph.com/docs/master/rados/operations/placement-groups/#specifying-expected-pool-size
#    #targetSizeRatio: .5
apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
kind: StorageClass
  name: rook-ceph-block
provisioner: rook-ceph.rbd.csi.ceph.com # csi-provisioner-name
  # clusterID is the namespace where the rook cluster is running
  # If you change this namespace, also change the namespace below where the secret namespaces are defined
  clusterID: rook-ceph # namespace:cluster
  # If you want to use erasure coded pool with RBD, you need to create
  # two pools. one erasure coded and one replicated.
  # You need to specify the replicated pool here in the `pool` parameter, it is
  # used for the metadata of the images.
  # The erasure coded pool must be set as the `dataPool` parameter below.
  #dataPool: ec-data-pool
  pool: replicapool
  # (optional) mapOptions is a comma-separated list of map options.
  # For krbd options refer
  # https://docs.ceph.com/docs/master/man/8/rbd/#kernel-rbd-krbd-options
  # For nbd options refer
  # https://docs.ceph.com/docs/master/man/8/rbd-nbd/#options
  # mapOptions: lock_on_read,queue_depth=1024
  # (optional) unmapOptions is a comma-separated list of unmap options.
  # For krbd options refer
  # https://docs.ceph.com/docs/master/man/8/rbd/#kernel-rbd-krbd-options
  # For nbd options refer
  # https://docs.ceph.com/docs/master/man/8/rbd-nbd/#options
  # unmapOptions: force
  # (optional) Set it to true to encrypt each volume with encryption keys
  # from a key management system (KMS)
  # encrypted: "true"
  # (optional) Use external key management system (KMS) for encryption key by
  # specifying a unique ID matching a KMS ConfigMap. The ID is only used for
  # correlation to configmap entry.
  # encryptionKMSID: <kms-config-id>
  # RBD image format. Defaults to "2".
  imageFormat: "2"
  # RBD image features
  # Available for imageFormat: "2". Older releases of CSI RBD
  # support only the `layering` feature. The Linux kernel (KRBD) supports the
  # full complement of features as of 5.4
  # `layering` alone corresponds to Ceph's bitfield value of "2" ;
  # `layering` + `fast-diff` + `object-map` + `deep-flatten` + `exclusive-lock` together
  # correspond to Ceph's OR'd bitfield value of "63". Here we use
  # a symbolic, comma-separated format:
  # For 5.4 or later kernels:
  #imageFeatures: layering,fast-diff,object-map,deep-flatten,exclusive-lock
  # For 5.3 or earlier kernels:
  imageFeatures: layering
  # The secrets contain Ceph admin credentials. These are generated automatically by the operator
  # in the same namespace as the cluster.
  csi.storage.k8s.io/provisioner-secret-name: rook-csi-rbd-provisioner
  csi.storage.k8s.io/provisioner-secret-namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:cluster
  csi.storage.k8s.io/controller-expand-secret-name: rook-csi-rbd-provisioner
  csi.storage.k8s.io/controller-expand-secret-namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:cluster
  csi.storage.k8s.io/node-stage-secret-name: rook-csi-rbd-node
  csi.storage.k8s.io/node-stage-secret-namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:cluster
  # Specify the filesystem type of the volume. If not specified, csi-provisioner
  # will set default as `ext4`. Note that `xfs` is not recommended due to potential deadlock
  # in hyperconverged settings where the volume is mounted on the same node as the osds.
  csi.storage.k8s.io/fstype: ext4
# uncomment the following to use rbd-nbd as mounter on supported nodes
# **IMPORTANT**: CephCSI v3.4.0 onwards a volume healer functionality is added to reattach
# the PVC to application pod if nodeplugin pod restart.
# Its still in Alpha support. Therefore, this option is not recommended for production use.
#mounter: rbd-nbd
allowVolumeExpansion: true
reclaimPolicy: Delete

And now apply rbd and cephfs again

# rbd
kubectl apply -f ./csi/rbd/storageclass.yaml
# cephfs
kubectl apply -f ./csi/cephfs/storageclass.yaml


Like above your have twice storageclass for rbd and cephfs

Try to mount and attach the volume with RBD

I just collect example from Rook about create the wordpress and mysql with PVC, so let try to create one of them and see what result

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: wordpress-mysql
    app: wordpress
    - port: 3306
    app: wordpress
    tier: mysql
  clusterIP: None
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: mysql-pv-claim
    app: wordpress
  storageClassName: rook-ceph-block
    - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 5Gi
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: wordpress-mysql
    app: wordpress
    tier: mysql
      app: wordpress
      tier: mysql
    type: Recreate
        app: wordpress
        tier: mysql
        - image: mysql:5.6
          name: mysql
            - name: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD
              value: changeme
            - containerPort: 3306
              name: mysql
            - name: mysql-persistent-storage
              mountPath: /var/lib/mysql
        - name: mysql-persistent-storage
            claimName: mysql-pv-claim

Through of this manifest, you can see that will provide something with inside namespace include

  • MySQL Deployment with use PVC
  • PVC Use rook-ceph-block with request 5GB
  • Service to expose port 3306 of MySQL

And now we apply it with apply -f command

# Use remote
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/rook/rook/blob/release-1.15/deploy/examples/mysql.yaml
# Use inside your host
kubectl apply -f ./rook/deploy/examples/mysql.yaml

And now you create PVC for mysql, and your result is creating successfully




Really tough week, I stand with you in late night for complete this session, more thing I learn from this one and try to hand on with volume is new experience for me. CSI is one of things make Kubernetes become pleasant, delivery more solution for community and create opportunities for development and deployment can reach to next level with this techniques. And Ceph and Rook, I can say that really hard to control, learn and hand on with huge architecture stand behind, but like i said kubewekend is a change for myself and for my community to learn some thing new, hope you find well with content


A couple is passing, and I try to balance my workload, so have kept you waiting for a long time. But this week is really cool, and I can back with you, learn and do something greate inside Kubewekend. Therefore, I appreciate with my followers, our community is part which tell myself need to improve everyday and bring you interesting content, so stay safe, learn something new and I will see you on next week maybe with Kubewekend. Bye Bye πŸ™Œ