
Hello, Hello @all, welcome back to my new blog. Couple of weeks ago quite busy and enjoyable of myself, I just spend for refresh in holiday and spend a week for my family and friend. So yeah, Let’s turn back again once more time, I don’t have list of things should be written but yeah I spend a little bit time to restructure my homelab and I learn a couple of things. Let’s digest

What is actually Problem ?


Let’s me guess, if you are IT guys or curious people who want to explore more about server, homelab for your own, you will meet many problems for finding platform to manage your homelab, many reason and problem appear when you setup them. Although I think that truly hard for approaching in first step, but you know that kinda good adventure when you build your own one successfully

A couple of problems, you usually tackle with, including

  • Platform Management
  • Networking
  • Hardware
  • Techniques
  • Moreover

To handle and control over that troubles, in my situation, I choose to use Docker Swarm for managing and control over multiple containers and you will actually like this, but you can use Kubernetes, Openshift or Nomad for your homelab. So why I choose Docker Swarm not my favorite technologies Kubernetes

Docker Swarm



Docker Swarm

Swarm mode is an advanced feature for managing a cluster of Docker daemons. Current versions of Docker include Swarm mode for natively managing a cluster of Docker Engines called a swarm. Use the Docker CLI to create a swarm, deploy application services to a swarm, and manage swarm behavior. Explore about Key concept of Swarm at Swarm mode key concepts

If you have heard about the theory Container Orchestration like Kubernetes, Swarm is same version but more simple than Kubernetes, learning curves you spend for Swarm is not much and kinda easy to apply. Swarm is isolate multiple features to help you maintain, deploy and control over docker daemons in bunch of hosts, such as

As you can see, really insane with multiple feature but need to use only your Docker CLI for configuration. This is mostly reason why I choose Swarm for my homelab, and secondly reason I choose Swarm because I want to learn both big approaches for Container Orchestration, Kubernetes vs Swarm to open more opportunities to learn and growth up.

Docker Swarm Architecture and How this works

If you wanna explore more information about Docker Swarm Architecture, you can reach to couple of official documentations and articles

With concept of Swarm, you will approach couple of components, including

Manager Nodes

Find more information at official documentation

It’s a backbone of Swarm - the centralize node which take the responsibility to doing management tasks


Using aΒ RaftΒ implementation, the managers maintain a consistent internal state of the entire swarm and all the services running on it


To take advantage of Swarm mode’s fault-tolerance features, we recommend you implement an odd number of nodes according to your organization’s high-availability requirements

Worker Nodes

Find more information at official documentation


Worker nodes are also instances of Docker Engine whose sole purpose is to execute containers. Worker nodes don’t participate in the Raft distributed state, make scheduling decisions, or serve the swarm mode HTTP API.

You need at least one manager node for managing bunch of worker nodes. By default, all managers are also workers and you can schedule container to this managers and also workers

Node Management

If you want to tackle with node configuration, you can find out more at Manage nodes in a swarm

docker node ls
46aqrk4e473hjbt745z53cr3t    node-5    Ready   Active        Reachable
61pi3d91s0w3b90ijw3deeb2q    node-4    Ready   Active        Reachable
a5b2m3oghd48m8eu391pefq5u    node-3    Ready   Active
e7p8btxeu3ioshyuj6lxiv6g0    node-2    Ready   Active
ehkv3bcimagdese79dn78otj5 *  node-1    Ready   Active        Leader

Usual, the node will exist three Availability state, including

  • ActiveΒ means that the scheduler can assign tasks to the node.
  • PauseΒ means the scheduler doesn’t assign new tasks to the node, but existing tasks remain running.
  • DrainΒ means the scheduler doesn’t assign new tasks to the node. The scheduler shuts down any existing tasks and schedules them on an available node.

With Manager state, you will exist four level

  • No value indicates a worker node that does not participate in swarm management.
  • LeaderΒ means the node is the primary manager node that makes all swarm management and orchestration decisions for the swarm.
  • ReachableΒ means the node is a manager node participating in the Raft consensus quorum. If the leader node becomes unavailable, the node is eligible for election as the new leader.
  • UnavailableΒ means the node is a manager that can’t communicate with other managers. If a manager node becomes unavailable, you should either join a new manager node to the swarm or promote a worker node to be a manager.

With Docker Command, you can operate and interact with node for doing interesting stuff, such as

Stack, Service and Task

We will walkthrough into small unit in Swarm concept, including

  • Stack
  • Service
  • Task



With Stack, you can image that kinda same docker-compose definition, It means you can convert from your docker-compose into stack to deploy the service inside your Swarm cluster. You should learn Compose specification for easier approach the stack for deployment



Next, you will reach Service, with Swarm to deploy an application image when Docker Engine is in Swarm mode, you create a service.

When you deploy the service to the swarm, the swarm manager accepts your service definition as the desired state for the service. Then it schedules the service on nodes in the swarm as one or more replica tasks. The tasks run independently of each other on nodes in the swarm.

A container is an isolated process. In the Swarm mode model, each task invokes exactly one container.



A task is the atomic unit of scheduling within a swarm. When you declare a desired service state by creating or updating a service, the orchestrator realizes the desired state by scheduling tasks.

A task is a one-directional mechanism. It progresses monotonically through a series of states: assigned, prepared, running, etc. If the task fails, the orchestrator removes the task and its container and then creates a new task to replace it according to the desired state specified by the service.


Replicated and Global Services

There are two types of service deployments, replicated and global

  • Replicated: Distribution deployment with number of identical tasks
  • Global: A service that runs one task on every node.




This one is one of tuff topics of Swarm and whatever platform because you know network is things to connect all of things, if not you mess up, you will fu*k up honestly πŸ˜„.

So what is structure networking of Swarm, go and check more information at Manage swarm service networks and Youtube Video - Docker Overlay Networking with VxLAN & Docker Swarm Configuration

The following three network concepts are important to swarm services:

  • Overlay - Manage communications among the Docker daemons participating in the swarm
  • Ingress - A special overlay network that facilitates load balancing among a service’s nodes
  • docker-gwbridge - Β A bridge network that connects the overlay networks (including theΒ ingressΒ network) to an individual Docker daemon’s physical network.


See alsoΒ Networking overviewΒ for more details about Swarm networking in general.

When you work Swarm, you need to consider to open these port for handle with cluster (NOTE: Really important cuz I mess up with one for a half of day πŸ˜ƒ)

  • PortΒ 2377Β TCP for communication with and between manager nodes
  • PortΒ 7946Β TCP/UDP for container network discovery.
  • PortΒ 4789Β UDP (configurable) for the overlay network (including ingress) data path.

When you create Swarm and join node into manager, you need to consider to provide couple of flags to make your service able to interact with each other. By default, all swarm traffic is sent over the same interface, including control and management traffic for maintaining the swarm itself and data traffic to and from the service containers

  • --data-path-addr - used for traffic relating to services.
  • --advertise-addr - used for control and management traffic
# Example
docker swarm init --advertise-addr --data-path-addr


If you go for join node between 2 node with different private network and connect via public IP, you should configuration --data-path-addr and --advertise-addr to public for peering between two nodes



That’s @all for Swarm, actually It contains another one but that really hard to cover if we don’t practice. It seem like that kinda multiple concept but equal 1/3 Kubernetes, so that why learn Swarm easier than Kubernetes and if you wanna find the way to containerization, why not if you choose Swarm

But wait let’s practice a bit with my HomeLab to see what I do

Practice Session


Server Configuration

With my gear, I just buy and setup a couple of simple servers, including

  • Virtual Machine (Cloud)

    • CPU: 2
    • Memory: 2 GB
    • Volume: 30 GB
    • OS: Ubuntu 22.04
  • Raspberry Pi 4 (Local)

    • CPU: 4
    • Memory: 4 GB
    • Volume: 64 GB
    • OS: Raspbian

Following my strategy, I will turn both of my setup into components of Swarm and that why prerequisite installation

  • docker
# Ubuntu & Raspbian
curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com | sudo bash -
  • net-tools (optional): Easier for debug, but you can use ip addr for default
sudo apt install net-tools curl -y

Now, you should prepare the public IP for init and join command via curl

# Get public ip
curl -4 ifconfig.io

Create Swarm cluster

I will divide the two my server into two types

  • VM will become manager
  • Raspberry Pi will become worker

In VM, you can double-check the Swarm is already run or not

docker info --format '{{.Swarm.LocalNodeState}}'

If it returns active, it will means your Swarm actual running in your host but if not, you should run command below to enable that one

docker swarm init --advertise-addr "PUBLIC_IP_VM"

It turn your docker in your host into Swarm mode, and now you can use command to interact with your docker daemon.

If you remember, you should enable a couple of ports on both your host, including

  • PortΒ 2377Β TCP for communication with and between manager nodes
  • PortΒ 7946Β TCP/UDP for container network discovery.
  • PortΒ 4789Β UDP (configurable) for the overlay network (including ingress) data path.

You can use some techniques for configuring that one

  • Security Group or Firewall for Cloud Provider
  • NAT Port for local modem and router

So if you already prepare it, you can join your second node into Swarm. In my position, I join my RaspberryPI into cluster with steps

  • Get the join-token in manager with command
docker swarm join-token worker
  • Join your worker with generation token
docker swarm join --token token --advertise-addr="PUBLIC_IP_RASP" --data-path-addr="PUBLIC_IP_RASP" PUBLIC_IP_VM:2377
  • Check in your manager with command
docker node ls
xxxxxxxxxx     raspberrypi        Ready     Active                          20.10.24+dfsg1
yyyyyyyyyy *   ubuntu-2gb-hil-1   Ready     Active         Leader           27.3.1

Now your Swarm is already in use, you can setup a couple tools for easier managing your cluster with UI and Portainer for your Swarm. If you want understand more about Portainer, explore at Monitoring with Portainer

Setup Portainer CE

Portainer consists of two elements, the Portainer Server and the Portainer Agent. Both elements run as lightweight Docker containers on a Docker engine. So for following the official documentation, you can follow my setup like

  • Download the compose file of Portainer
curl -L https://downloads.portainer.io/ce2-21/portainer-agent-stack.yml -o portainer-agent-stack.yml
    image: portainer/agent:2.21.5
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
      - /var/lib/docker/volumes:/var/lib/docker/volumes
      - agent_network
      mode: global
        constraints: [node.platform.os == linux]
    image: portainer/portainer-ce:2.21.5
    command: -H tcp://tasks.agent:9001 --tlsskipverify
      - portainer_data:/data
      - agent_network
      - webanalytics_proxy_app
      mode: replicated
      replicas: 1
        constraints: [node.role == manager]
    driver: overlay
    attachable: true
  • Deploy this stack as Service in Swarm
docker stack deploy -c portainer-agent-stack.yml portainer 
  • Check state of deployment in service portainer
docker stack ps portainer

Currently, you will create a new stack for proxy your portainer with domain, I truly prefer Caddy for handle this. Explore more about Caddy at Caddy Server

    image: caddy:latest
      - 80:80
      - 443:443
      - caddy-data:/data
      - ./Caddyfile:/etc/caddy/Caddyfile
      - umami
      - portainer_agent_network
      mode: replicated
      replicas: 1
        constraints: [node.role == manager]
    external: true

With this stack will deploy new proxy server Caddy server with some configuration

  • Point to same network with Portainer
  • Deploy into Manager node with number replica 1
  • Mount Volume caddy-data and Caddyfile for managing proxy configuration
  • Open Port 80 and 443, require by Caddy

You should be prepare Caddyfile at this directory with configuration like this

https://portainer.example.com {
        handle_path /api/websocket {
                reverse_proxy tasks.portainer:9000/api/websocket
        handle {
                reverse_proxy tasks.portainer:9000

Now you kick off stack and your service will be deployed

docker stack deploy -c proxy.yml proxy

Go to your browser and typing your domain (e.g: https://portainer.example.com)




That’s @all for today, I hope you enjoy the adventure to build self-host and homelab server with me and maybe you can get one for yourself. I turn back after two week and really happy to do it something like this one, truly kinda open and refresh to learn more. Maybe I will try to balance more my life and write blog, so let’s see what we will get in next session.


Learn and practice is quite fun and what I wanna do with my blog, so hope you continue support and enjoy with my content, I prepare a lot of stuff to share but not much time to write but I will share one to one, don’t worry. Therefore, Stay safe, keep moving on and learning more and I will see you on next weekend. Bye Bye and have great weekend πŸ‘‹