Place to archive and snapshot the incredible command or pipe command with Linux OS platform such as Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS, …
In-house Commands
Skip first line Usually header when you use awk
to print column variables
awk 'NR>1 {print $3}'
Get the last param when seperate by /
or any symbol, you can use F
and $NF
to get the result
awk -F/ '{print $NF}'
Explore more about cat
command and utilities
- StackOverFlow - How does “cat << EOF” work in bash?
- StackOverFlow - How to read from a file or standard input in Bash
- Unix & Linux Stack Exchange - Format output of xargs
Explore more about chmod
and couples of topics around
# Grant full permission for file
chmod 777 /path/to/file
# Grant execute for file
chmod +x /path/to/file
You can use du
command for list all size inside your directory
# List folder only
du -csh
# List file inside
du -csh*
Decode string with specify unicode-escaped with -e
flag, read more at: StackOverFlow - How to convert \uXXXX unicode to UTF-8 using console tools in *nix
You can use
for instead if you want to integrate with 3rd party
echo -e "unicode-string"
Documentation: What is FDISK and how does it work?
Use fdisk
when you want to hangout with your hard disk drive, like integrate multiple way for formatting or partitioning a hard disk drive, or to delete different portions of it. FDISK is an external utility. It is most commonly used to prepare and partition a hard drive
# to view details of available disk partitions.
sudo fdisk -l
# to view the partitions on a specific disk.
sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda
# to create a hard disk partition.
sudo fdisk /dev/sda
# to view the partition size.
sudo fdisk -s /dev/sda
And when you want to hit to interaction mode you can try with
sudo fdisk /dev/sda
And when you hit keyboard with m
, you can see the helper
Command (m for help): m
M enter protective/hybrid MBR
d delete a partition
F list free unpartitioned space
l list known partition types
n add a new partition
p print the partition table
t change a partition type
v verify the partition table
i print information about a partition
m print this menu
x extra functionality (experts only)
I load disk layout from sfdisk script file
O dump disk layout to sfdisk script file
Save & Exit
w write table to disk and exit
q quit without saving changes
Create a new label
g create a new empty GPT partition table
G create a new empty SGI (IRIX) partition table
o create a new empty DOS partition table
s create a new empty Sun partition table
Find the folder with find base on the regex format
find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -regex '.*/azp/_work/\d+$'
Find directory in current location but expose that in format ls
find . -type d -ls
Find the file or directory to provide you last in path of file and directory
find . -maxdepth 2 -type d | awk -F/ '{print $NF}'
Explore more example with grep
Use grep with exclude by -v
grep -v "dotnet" .
To grep include multiple word
flag to execute that. Especially add with\|
symbol between two words. Read more at: How to Grep for Multiple Strings, Patterns or Words, extending with multiple situations (HELPFUL)
grep -i "Hostname\|Port"
You can use iostat
for listing and monitoring your input and output of your disk, by this action you can doube-check state and bottleneck inside
Disk I/O Monitoring - This displays disk I/O statistics every 5 seconds, including utilization, queue length, and wait time
iostat -xz 5
Learn more about iptables
commands from links down below
- Github - iptables cheatsheet
- Prompt generate Iptables
- Hacktricks - Suricata & Iptables cheatsheet
- How to list all iptables rules with line numbers on Linux
- How can I remove specific rules from iptables?
- DigitalOcean - How To Forward Ports through a Linux Gateway with Iptables
Allow only traffic from external IP to host via port
sudo iptables -A INPUT -s <source> -p <tcp/udp> --dport <destination-port> -j ACCEPT
Block all traffic to specify port in host
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p <tcp/udp> --dport <destination-port> -j DROP
List all rule and table rule
# List all rules
sudo iptables -S
# list all tables rules
sudo iptables -L -v -n | more
# list all rules for INPUT tables
sudo iptables -L INPUT -v -n
Delete rule in iptables
# Basic command to delete
sudo iptables -F
# To specify you want
# Find your rule base on number
iptables -L INPUT --line-numbers
# Remove that base on number of line
iptables -D INPUT <specific-line-number>
# IYKYN, use `-D` flag for same command `-A` to remove that rule
Capture and logged full events of service
journalctl -u service-name.service
To see only log messages for the current boot
journalctl -u service-name.service -b
Find your boots in list
journalctl --list-boots
See the error log with command
journalctl -p err -b
You can exchange -p option with pram
- 0: emerg
- 1: alert
- 2: crit
- 3: err
- 4: warning
- 5: notice
- 6: info
- 7: debug
Check the log systemd in catalog and pagination, you can use
journalctl -xeu service-name.service
--catalog -x -- Show explanatory texts with each log line
--pager-end -e -- Jump to the end of the journal in the pager
--unit -u -- Show data only from the specified unit
List of articles relate jq
with helpful solution
You can use jq
to select multiple variable
cat app.json | jq -r '.expo | .name, .version'
You can use jq
to select multiple variable and concat that to one string
cat app.json | jq -r '( + "." + .expo.version)'
You can use jq
with variable to pass through from command or define to your jq
# Good way
curl -H "PRIVATE-TOKEN: $PRIVATE_GLAB_TOKEN" "$GLAB_USER_ID/contributed_projects" | jq --arg REPO_CHECKED_NAME "$REPO_CHECKED_NAME" '.[] | select(.name == $REPO_CHECKED_NAME) | .id'
# Trick way
curl -H "PRIVATE-TOKEN: $PRIVATE_GLAB_TOKEN" "$GLAB_USER_ID/contributed_projects" | jq '.[] | select(.name == "'${REPO_CHECKED_NAME}'") | .id'
support for another arg like json
, you can try to concat object this one with your existence object. Explore more at Add an object to existing JSON using jq and Append JSON Objects using jq
cat ~/config-bk.json | jq -r --argjson addon "$(cat ~/.docker/config.json | jq -r ".auths")" '.auths+=$addon'
Convert json to string for multiple purpose
cat file.json | jq -c | jq -R
Get first keys in list object with jq
cat config-bk.json | jq 'keys[]'
Select the keys if value of a field is “auto”. Explore at Select the keys if value of a field is “auto”
# Get the object with value = auto
jq 'map_values(select(.value == "auto"))' file
# Get key with same situation
jq -r 'map_values(select(.value == "auto"))|keys[]' file
If you wanna encode URL with jq
, you can follow this
# use for encode
jq --slurp --raw-input --raw-output @uri <(printf ' = mc^2')
In the situation, if you want to decode jwt
token, you can try with jq
jq -R 'split(".") | .[1] | @base64d | fromjson' <<< "$1"
You wanna update the all of key match with your request with new value, you can use walk
with jq >= 1.7
. In the end, It will overwrite your current file with new value.
jq 'walk(if type == "object" then with_entries( if .key == "KEY_WANT_UPDATE" then .value = "NEW_VALUE" else . end ) else . end)' "/path/json/file" > "/path/json/file.tmp" \
&& mv "/path/json/file.tmp" "/path/json/file"
If you want to take the look with your storage device like HDD or SSD, you can use lsblk
to see what format of those devices
# View information about your disk
# View output info about filesystems
lsblk -f
File System | Supported File Size | Compatibility | Ideal Usage |
FAT32 | up to 4 GB | Windows, Mac, Linux | For maximum compatibility |
NTFS | 16 EiB – 1 KB | Windows, Mac (read-only), most Linux distributions | For internal drives and Windows system file |
Ext4 | 16 GiB – 16 TiB | Windows, Mac, Linux (requires extra drivers to access) | For files larger than 4 GB |
lsof is a command for LiSting Open Files
. Find and explore more at documentation
To check network connection, you can use
lsof -i -P -n
Find files open to a process with known PID, e.g: 1234, you can use
lsof -p 1234
You can use mkfs
command to formatting your device. Read more at How to Use the mkfs Command on Linux
mkfs [options] [-t type fs-options] device [size]
The kernel uses
to request modules. Themodprobe
command searches through the standard installed module directories to find the necessary drivers.
- PhoenixNAP - How To Use The Modprobe Command In Linux
- ModProbe - Linux man page
- - Howto display list of modules or device drivers in the Linux Kernel
To add module to kernel in linux via command
# Default add module
sudo modprobe <module-name> # e.g: iscsi_tcp
# Add multiple module
sudo modprobe -all <first module name> <second module name>
# Confirm module or add for first time with --first-time opt
sudo modprobe <module name> --first-time
To remove module from kernel via command
# Remove module
sudo modprobe -r <module-name> # e.g: iscs_tcp
# Double-check already remove or first time remove
sudo modprobe -r <module-name> --first-time
To check and find module add into kernel, you can handle with couple of commands
# Check via lsmod
lsmod | grep -e "<module-name>"
# Check via find command
find /lib/modules/$(uname -r) -type f -name '*.ko*' | grep -e "<module-name>"
# Combine awk and modinfo command (easily output)
# Source:
awk '{ print $1 }' /proc/modules | xargs modinfo -n | sort | grep -e "<module_name>"
You can use ps
command to check process inside your machine to identify CPU spike or memory leak or moreover
Find CPU-Intensive Processes - This lists the top 10 processes by CPU usage, showing the percentage, process ID, user, and command.
ps -eo pcpu,pid,user,args | sort -r | head -10
Find Memory Leaks - This updates every 5 seconds to show the top memory-consuming processes, helping you identify memory leaks
watch -n 5 "ps -eo pid,ppid,cmd,%mem,%cpu --sort=-%mem | head"
Check Running Processes - This lists the top 10 processes sorted by CPU usage, helping you quickly identify resource-intensive processes.
ps aux --sort=-%cpu | head -10
Documentation: SCP Command in Linux {13 Examples}
is protocol which permit use copy and transfer file from remote and local machine with bi-direction, or cp from remote to remote
# From local to remote
scp /path/file/local user@ip:/path/file/remote
# From remote to local
scp user@ip:/path/file/remote /path/file/local
# From remote to remote
scp user1@ip1:/path/file/remote1 user2@ip2:/path/file/remote2
# From remote to remote (but your machine is mediate)
scp -3 user1@ip1:/path/file/remote1 user2@ip2:/path/file/remote2
In some special case, you can integrate with option with your scp command to specific
Different Port: Usually scp
use SSH (Port 22) to mediate help you secure transfer data through that port, but in other situation SSH not work in Port 22, you can use -p
to specific
scp -p 2222 /path/file/local user@ip:/path/file/remote
Recursive: To copy whole folder, usually we use recursive mode and scp
does have with -r
scp -r /path/folder/ user@ip:/path/file/remote
- Sed cheatsheet
- How to Use Sed to Find and Replace a String in a File
- Internet - Practical Shell Patterns I Actually Use
- Cyberciti - How to use sed to find and replace text in files in Linux / Unix shell
To replace a string in file with sed
, you can use command with format
# Replace in file (Global)
sed -i 's/OLD/NEW/g' path/file #Replace string inside a file
To replace in the string, you can control action with
echo "[MASKED]" | sed -e "s/\[MASKED\]/123456789/g"
To replace the string with content return from executing command, you can use
sed -i 's/OLD/'$(echo $NEW)'/g' path/file
Documentations and articles
Use tunneling mode of ssh
to reverse shell from remote to your local host
Command below to port-forward from port
from remote host and send the traffic to port:8080
inside your host
ssh -N -L 8080: -i /path/to/your/private_key <user>@<remote-host> -p <port-ssh> # Default ssh via port 22, use -p if you need to specific
Documentations and articles
- Redhat - Systemd cheat sheet
- Medium - Stop Using systemctl Blindly: Master Advanced Service Management Techniques!
Use systemctl
command to check available service inside your host with state running
sudo systemctl list-units --type=service --state=running
Use one of option Disable/Enable/Restart/Stop/Start with service inside host for changing state
sudo systemctl disable/enable/restart/stop/start <name_of_service>
Check configure or state of service with systemctl
sudo systemctl show/status <name_of_services>
Documentations and articles
Use tr
to delete with -d
tr -d "HostName:Port" # If find 2 word, seperate with space
tr -d "HostNamePort" # If find 2 word, no space add-on
Use tr
to change space to colon,
⇒ :
tr -s "[:blank:]" ":"
Print the sub-directory of folder with configuration level
tree -d -L 2 .
Print the sub file and folder with filter not include smt with -I
option. Explore at StackOverFlow - tree command for multiple includes and excludes
# With only
tree -a -L 1 -I .git
# With multiple
tree -a -L 1 -I '.git|.terraform.lock.hcl'
Print tree with combine full path, include and exclude pattern
tree -f -I "bin|unitTest" -P "*.[ch]|*.[ch]pp." your_dir/
External Commands
Caddy server
Use the documentation to get valid command to handling Caddy Server
To reload configuration use reload
command. Doc: caddy reload
caddy reload --config /location/caddy/file
To check and validate configuration from caddyfile
use validate
command. Doc: caddy validate
caddy validate --config /location/caddy/file
Caddy V2
, mostlywebsocket
automatically serve and do not need to configuration likev1
. Check about that in Caddy Proxy
If you have problems when vagrant
can’t authentication for ssh
. You will need concern to add this setting. Read more at: Vagrant ssh authentication failure
config.ssh.forward_agent = true
Pip3 of Python
With Python3 from version 3.12, there isn’t gonna easy for us to install package, so if you want to force install with python3-pip
, you can add the optional --break-system-packages
after the pip command
pip3 install numpy --break-system-packages
With read from file, we can do same way
pip3 install -r requirements.txt --break-system-packages
Keytool of Java
Explore more about keytool
through Common Java Keytool Commands
Get keystroke information
To view and check information which store inside keystroke, which generate from keytool
- key generator integrate into Java
keytool -list -v -keystore /path/to/your/keystore-file.keystore -alias your-key-alias -storepass your-keystore-password -keypass your-key-password