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Interaction with Elasticsearch via CURL


This note content the basic, popular command of elasticsearch and case it can use


All commands will work if you need bypass HTTPS. But if it not accepted, you need to provide the crt and key with compulsory

  1. Get the list snapshot
curl --insecure -X GET "https://<es-username>:<es-password>@<es-domain>:<es-port>/_cat/snapshots/<repository>"
  1. Delete specify snapshot
curl -X DELETE --insecure "https://<es-username>:<es-password>@<es-domain>:<es-port>/_snapshot/<repository>/<name-snapshot>
  1. List first 50 snapshot, add comma to easily create the removing strings
curl --insecure -X GET "https://<es-username>:<es-password>@<es-domain>:<es-port>/_cat/snapshots/azure" | awk '{print $1}' | head -n 50 | xargs -I{} echo -n "{}," | rev | cut -c2- | rev | xargs